We are counting down the days! In roughly three months, Patagonia’s 8th Annual International Marathon is scheduled to take place. For us at EcoCamp, the event also marks the start of a new travel season and upcoming adventures.




If You Haven’t Signed Up...Sign Up!

Patagonia is without question, one of the most beautiful places in the world to run a marathon.  Unlike city marathons, this experience is in the fresh, open air. It’s a chance to reconnect with nature and see the southern hemisphere from a new perspective.

The 2019 Marathon will take place on Saturday, September 7th. Along with the classic 42K race, there is also the option to run 21K or 10K. This provides a wider range of races for both serious race runners and those interested in a shorter, lighter option.

It’s not too late to sign up either! There are about 700 spots available, with registration open until August 7th. Haven't started training yet? Don't worry! According to LiveStrong.com, it’s completely possible to train for a marathon in just three months. You just need to be dedicated to the goal and organize a training plan. 


Stay with EcoCamp

At EcoCamp, we love to get involved in the race! We see the Patagonian International Marathon as a chance to bring more athletes to this beautiful part of the world, as well as contribute to the region’s conservation efforts. The organizers aim to reduce the impact on the environment and promote eco-friendly practices, such as using refillable water bottles and prohibiting both organic and non-organic littering along the trails.

In support of the event, EcoCamp is hosting runners and providing a special marathon travel program in Torres del Paine National Park. The program is five days long and includes a transfer to the marathon, delicious meals, cozy accommodation in EcoCamp Domes and a taste of our Wildlife Safari Program. Patagonia is too beautiful to just spend one day here! After the marathon, we want to show our runners what else Patagonia has to offer, with excursions to the Paine Towers, Laguna Azul and more.

Suite Dome EcoCamp Patagonia

Base Torres Torres del Paine

Do you want more information? Visit cascada.travel and learn about our programs

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