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Ecotourism: energy sources at our dome hotel in Torres del Paine National Park

Solar energy, hydropower, and a gas generator are the three sources we employ at EcoCamp to power our electricity needs. For heating, we rely on...
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Global Recycling Day: how we handle waste at EcoCamp

Reduce, reuse, recycle. On March 18th, Global Recycling Day, various organizations unite to raise awareness about this vital aspect of the circular...
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Leading conservation in Torres del Paine with the TdP Legacy Fund

Torres del Paine national park is a stunning yet fragile place. Over the past few years and despiste a “pandemic break”, the yearly amount of...
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Sustainable food is the future and EcoCamp proved it

What is sustainable food? While most people know that sustainability aims to protect the environment, few of us really know the huge negative impact...
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Why Geodesic Domes Are Such Incredible Structures

When EcoCamp Patagonia was built in 2001, it was the world’s first geodesic hotel. What does that mean? Before that year no other hotel in the world...
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How to Travel Sustainably During the COVID-19 Pandemic

This year, travelers are turning to a new kind of packing list, loaded with latex gloves, masks, face shields and hand sanitizer. While these new...
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Inside the 2005 and 2011 fires in Torres del Paine National Park

Since its creation in 1959, Torres del Paine National Park never ceased amazing tourists from all around the world, with a yearly increase in visits...
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20 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day in 2020

April 22, 2020 marks the 50 year anniversary of Earth Day, a worldwide celebration to demonstrate environmental protection support and conservation...
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Sustainable Hotels: 8 Things That Make a (Huge) Difference for the Planet

What is sustainability? The most accepted definition is the one created by the Bruntland Commission: “Sustainable development is a development that...
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Why We Must Fight Climate Change

August 20, 2019 --- It was this time last year when Swedish teen Greta Thunberg first sat outside the parliament building in Stockholm, demanding...
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Fiesta de la Limpieza: A Powerful Initiative to Clean Patagonia

Patagonia is filled with raw, pristine natural wonder -- from the fierce rivers to the snowy mountains to the open land to the rich, lush forests....
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Kris Tompkins, Celebrating Patagonia’s Fiercest Female

International Women’s Day is a moment to celebrate the strong and passionate females who have and continue to make an impact on the world around us....
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What’s the Weather Like in Torres del Paine?

The forecast says rain, sun, snow and wind --- what is it? The truth is, the weather in Torres del Paine and Patagonia is all of the above. It’s...
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The Most Beautiful Viewpoints in Torres del Paine National Park

Torres del Paine National Park is a huge area of 227.298 hectares. Most people cross the entire planet to see the three granite spires that gave...
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Patagonia in South America: Discover 10 Reasons Why We Love it

Here at EcoCamp, the world’s first sustainable dome hotel, we are lucky enough to be located in one of the most beautiful and diverse regions on the...
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